Conference-debate: "Pope Francis".

Dominican Convent 35 rue Edmond Rostand, 13006. Marseille

AFFICHE-VAN-LIERDEConference-debate on the book "le pape François" by Emmanuel Van Lierde

Rencontre du Doyenné du Vieux Port

Saint Victor Abbey Place Saint Victor, Marseille

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 21 AT ST-VICTOR'S ABBEY FROM 7:30 to 10:15 pm: Meeting of the Vieux-Port deanery (pastoral sector) with the bishops and young people taking part in the Mediterranean Days. ProgramReadmore "Vieux Port deanery meeting".

Conference: "How to serve today and tomorrow in the Church to meet the challenges of the Mediterranean".

House Montolieu 45 rue Montolieu, Marseille

With Mgr Théodore KADIDIS sj, Archbishop of Athens Nathalie BECQUART xav, Under-Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Etienne GRIEU sj, Rector of the Centre Sèvres (Paris) 7:00 pm: Meeting with the speakers andReadmore "Conference: "How to serve today and tomorrow in the Church to meet the challenges of the Mediterranean"".

Ecumenical Mediterranean:

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Dialogue RCF, the Christian radio station in Aix and Marseille, in prayer with the Taizé Community and in the presence of its prior, Brother Aloïs,Read more "Ecumenical Mediterranean:"

Concert of Byzantine music

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

On the program 9:00-9:40 pm and 10:00-10:40 pm: Two concerts by Byzantine music soloists. In the candlelit church of Saint-Ferréol, the soloists of Byzantine music proposeReadmore "Concert of Byzantine music".