Burn out: free to obey" conference

House Montolieu 45 rue Montolieu, Marseille

2nd lecture in the "How far to go" series with Marie-Hélène Vernet, clinical psychologist, Marseille, France

Ash Wednesday February 22

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

Celebration times

Ash Wednesday February 22

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

Celebration schedule

Pro Mass

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

Conference by Xavier de Bénazé sj

Provence School 42 bd Emile Sicard, Marseille

Laudato Si and the Ecological Transition "A short stroll through ecological and social transition".

Café spi

"Living Lent today: an outdated practice or a long-awaited appointment?"

Round table

House Montolieu 45 rue Montolieu, Marseille

Gonzague de Fombelle, Christian Robet and Charles Boursaly: "Social work, medical care and teaching: (over) engaging professions".