Church night

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

Foyers" photo exhibition

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

FROM SEPTEMBER 16 TO 24 IN ST-FERREOL (except on the 22nd): "FOYERS" photo exhibition to mark the GFIC's 40th anniversary: ten 2m x 1m panels featuring portraits of happy (!) mixed couples at home, with comments by the couples.

Concert of Byzantine music

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

On the program 9:00-9:40 pm and 10:00-10:40 pm: Two concerts by Byzantine music soloists. In the candlelit church of Saint-Ferréol, the Byzantine music soloists take you on a journey to the farthest reaches of the Mediterranean, with works from Greek-Byzantine, Sephardic and Ashkenazi Hebrew, Arabic and Gregorian chant. Free admission with reservationReadmore "Byzantine music concert".

Lecture series: "Work and meaning

House Montolieu 45 rue Montolieu, Marseille

Travail et sens, deux inconciliables aujourd'hui ? Avec Valérie Dufayet, professeur de philosophie au collèges de Provence et animatrice des Ateliers Phil'Osons;