Sanctuary Mass

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

La Major Cathedral Place de La Major, Marseille

Our sanctuary's Raphaël group, which accompanies migrant minors, will be present on the cathedral square after mass until 8pm. Come and meet them

Ecumenical prayer evening

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

Ecumenical prayer as part of the "Time for Creation" campaign

"Vouloir la Paix": international peace

House Montolieu 45 rue Montolieu, Marseille

A la maison Montolieu Cycle de 3 conférences: "VOULOIR LA PAIX" La paix internationale Avec Pierre de Charentenay, jésuite et docteur en sciences politique. le 4 octobre 2022 à 19h30 Entrée libre, participation aux frais

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

"Come in, bow down, worship the Lord who made us". Ps 94:6

Open House" meeting with St-Fé teams

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

After 11 a.m. mass, a time to meet and exchange views with service managers

Bible group with P. Paul Bony

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

Diocesan course: "L'évangile selon saint Mathieu" Registration at the reception desk

Les cafés de spiritualité de St-Fé

Saint-Ferréol Church 1 quai des Belges, Marseille, France

A convivial exchange on how to lead one's spiritual life in relation to events in society and the Church.